Instruction for Vendors

Who are vendors?

Vendors are business owners who wish to post or advertise their business through BOOK@O. Examples of vendors are owners of resorts , campsites, beauty parlors, sellers and other service providers.

What vendors can do?

Vendors can create posts or listings of their business for the consumers to see or use when making reservations.
Vendors may post items for sale.

How vendors add a listing?

Step 1.  Click Sign In.

Step 2.  Click Register.

Step 3.  Input your email and then set a password.  This password will be used to login to this booking system only.  This is not necessarily the same password you use in your Google account or in other email platform that you use.

Step 4.  After input, click Register.  This will be your user account that will be registered in the database of this booking system.             


Step 5.  You will receive a notification email from our system that looks like below.

Step 6.  When you are registered, you may now proceed to add a listing.  Click + Add Listing button at the upper right portion of the page.

Step 7.  Select the category where your business may belong.  In this example, let’s select Resort Booking.  A vendor may have multiple listings for his/her line of business.

Step 8.  Upload images of your business that you wish to get bookings for.  Provide other necessary inputs.  Some are optional.

For other details, use the DESCRIPTION field.  You may want to provide details that will be useful for your customers.

The following are sample entries.  Use this as reference.

Step 9.  Click the Submit Listing button after all inputs are filled in.

This is what it will look like after successful registration.

This is what it will look like when you click on your account.  The initial status of your post is PENDING.

The system administrator will review your listing post.  You will receive a notification to your email account after approval.

This is how it will look like when a user search from the Listings page.

When a user tries to book through your listing, this is how the user will see it.

Sign In


Reset Password

Please enter your username or email address, you will receive a link to create a new password via email.